We’re pleased you’re considering our camp as your child’s summer destination.
Our program is filled with hands-on activities, exercise—rowing on the harbor, walking everywhere—and exploring city neighborhoods. Our aim is to provide children with an engaging camp experience in a secure environment that balances freedom with safety. Campers make decisions and choose activities, but they are guided and mentored by skilled and highly trained counselors. Our goal is to inspire kids.
Ultimately, it's an adventure they will never forget.
- Alphonse Litz, Founder
For your child to be considered for enrollment, you must submit:
$25 deposit per child per summer session or $25 deposit per child per vacation exploration session, which counts towards tuition
No child will be turned away because of inability to pay.
Tuition includes:
Lunch and two snacks every day
Ferry tickets, admission fees and passage on the T
Boston Explorers t-shirt
How Financial Aid is determined: Once a child is accepted into the program, they are eligible for financial aid based on need. No child will be turned away because of family resources. As a non-profit organization, Boston Explorers is committed to providing opportunity to all children. We will be happy to consult with you regarding our sliding scale plan. In order to be considered for financial aid, families must complete the financial aid section of the application. Upon receipt, families will be notified within two weeks on the status of their application and financial aid eligibility.